Thursday, July 26, 2012

If I Win, I'll Have a Song and Dance A La Hugh Jackman.

No big. Nominated for an award. Be jealous.

OK it's not really that big of a deal. I'm just pretending I'm accepting an Emmy or Oscar nomination.

My dear blogger buddy Jaymie at Snacks for Max  has nominated for to a Liebster Blog Award.

This is exactly what I love about blogging communities- they are really supportive of one another.

A Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers by bloggers. It is a way to acknowledge each other and say "you're doing a great job." Is is for blogs with 200 or less followers, so it's also a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers! When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person(s) who nominated you. You pass the Award onto 11 other blogs (make sure you tell them you nominated them!) and ask them 11 questions. You're not allowed to nominate the blog(s) who nominated you!

So heeeeere we go.

11 Random Facts About Moi:

1) I have a strange obsession with the Tudors- I'll pretty much read or watch anything that has to do with Henry VIII, his wives, his kids, or his other distant relatives (in-laws, etc.)
2) I own books I've never read. I'll get to them eventually... 
3) I kind of like it that my fiance isn't a bookworm. He has his video games and other nerdy endeavors, so I read while he does that.
4) I own over 400 movies. Be jealous.
5) When I was in elementary school, I couldn't read to save my life. I had to go to extra classes and take home extra reading assignments.
6) I don't have a favorite author or even a favorite book. Granted, I have entire pages of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone memorized, but that's because it's the oldest book I own. I just like so many books, it's impossible to pick a favorite.
7) I hate when people misuse the word "literally." (link may offend.) "In 2007, Eclipse literally landed around the world and fans made the Twilight Saga a worldwide phenomenon!" <- I'm pretty sure Stephanie Meyer wrote this (which is from her website.) I'm simply picturing books flying of their own accord and then landing in bookstores. 
8) In the last episode of Dr. Who that David Tennant was in, I cried the entire time.
9) I love words. And when I'm upset, I don't yell. I use words like "indefatigable" & "androgynous."
10) I'm considering speaking with a British accent to my children for the first 7-10 years of their lives so they grow up with an adorable British accent.
11) I love scary movies. I love the terrifying ones as well as the really bad ones.

Questions from my Nominee-er 

1) How long have you been blogging? 
This is really the most consistent blog I've had, and I've had it for about 2 months. But I've had a few blogs here and there for over a year.
2) What is your goal with your blog?
I want people to send me free books to review! Okay not really. (Although I wouldn't say no...) I figured I like to tell people about books any way, so I may as well tell as many people as I can.
3) What topic has brought the most traffic to your blog?
My review/thoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey. That was also the most fun blog to write.
4) What was the best book you read last month?
Um.... I honestly can't think of exactly what I read in June.... I started a lot of books.... I'm going to say Before I Go To Sleep, even though it wasn't last month.
5) Did you have a diary/journal growing up? Where did you hide it?
Yes I did, and I still do. And I don't know where I hid it. Usually just next to my bed.
6) What's your favorite someecard?
These ones!

7) What singer would star in the soundtrack of your life?
Probably Queen. I know, it's a band. Whatever. I cheated.
8) What's your favorite reality show? Why that one?
Erm.... I dunno.... I don't really watch reality shows. I guess Say Yes to the Dress- cause I judge them. I judge all of them.
9) What's your go-to bridal shower or baby shower gift?
Honestly haven't been to too many of either. Books though. One can never have too many books.
10) What cartoon character would you be?
Disney- Belle. Cause I want her library. Not Disney- Leela (Futurama) cause I want her wrist thingy.
11) Who do you retweet the most?
I honestly don't know. Kind of whoever amuses me the most.

I'm going to be a horrible person and not nominate any blogs, because I don't really know of too many blogs with under 200 followers. And all the ones I do know have already been nominated, and they really shouldn't have to do this 30 times.

Any way, this was a ton of fun! Any excuse to talk about myself is always good.


  1. I'd be Belle, too because of her library and cozy looking dresses!
    ~Alysha (Jaymie's friend)

  2. Those dresses do look pretty darn comfy.
